Clause n°1 : object

General terms and conditions of sales described as following are detailing the rights and obligations of the micro company See My Normandy, and the customer as part of the sale of  guiding services (tours).

Any tour provided by Tommy’s Normandy Tour micro company therefore implies the entire acceptance of the following General terms and conditions of sales.

Clause n°2 : prices

The prices on the website of Tommy’s Normandy Tours are in euros. As the micro company Tommy’s Normandy Tours is not subject to the VAT, there won’t be any additions of taxes.

The price of a tour is based on a pick-up or meeting in the town of Bayeux or in the surrounding (15km). If the pick-up or le meeting point is at more than 15 kilometers from Bayeux, a mileage allowance will calculated and will be added to your invoice in order to cover the costs (gas/tolls).

Tommy’s Normandy Tours micro company keeps the right to change the prices at any time, but is committed to invoicing the services at the price given at the time the tour was confirmed.

Museum fees and lunch of the guide are not included in the invoice.

Clause n°3 : confirmation of the reservation

The reservation of a tour is confirmed only if Tommy’s Normandy Tours micro company has:

-the name of the client, his phone number/ email address, number of people coming for the tour, the type of tour, the day of the tour, the pick-up or meeting place and the time of the meeting.

– a deposit of 20% of the total amount of the invoice is requested.

Clause n°4 : payments

Orders are paid by :

-checks (only for French clients)

– cash

-bank transfert

The balance of the invoice must be paid at the beginning of the tour.

Clause n°5 : late payment

If the balance of the invoice is not paid at the beginning of the tour, there won’t be any tour given by Tommy’s Normandy Tours micro company.

Clause n°6 : cancellation and refunding

In case of cancellation more than 14 days before the tour, the deposit will be totally refunded.

In case of cancellation less than 14 days before the tour, the deposit won’t be refunded.

In case of cancellation by the micro company Tommy’s Normandy Tours, the deposit will be totally refunded.

Clause n°7: force majeure

The responsibility of Tommy’s Normandy Tours micro company won’t be engaged if the guide can not provide the tour if case of an event considered as ‘force majeure’ (article 1213 of the French code civil).

Clause n°8 : late arrival or no show of the client the day of the tour

The client must inform as soon as possible Tommy’s Normandy Tour micro company of any late arrival at the meeting point. If Tommy’s Normandy Tours is at the meeting point and after waiting one hour, without any news of the client, the tour is cancelled. In this case, the the deposit won’t be refunded and the total of the invoice must be paid.

Clause n°9 : responsibility of the personal effects of the client

Tommy’s Normandy Tours micro company decline any responsibility in the event of deterioration, loss or theft of the client personal effects during the tour.

Clause n° 10: recommendations and information about the tours

The tours are led mostly outside, Tommy’s Normandy Tours recommends you to wear comfortable shoes, waterproof jacket and to check the weather forecast before to come to Normandy.

You have to know that some of the sites are not accessible to disabled persons or the access is very difficult (like Mont-Saint-Michel or Pointe-du-Hoc).

If you have any disabilities, please inform Tommy’s Normandy Tours in order to adapt the tour as best as possible in order to give you the best experience.

Clause n°11 : competent court

Any dispute regarding the validity, interpretation, or fulfillment of the general gales terms are subject to the French law.

If the dispute cannot be resolved out of court, it will be referred to the “Tribunal de Commerce” of Caen, France.