Tommy’s Normandy Tours is a micro company

22 Avenue Jean Bart

14520 Port-en-Bessin-Huppain

Code APE :9001z
SIRET : 93250053100011
SIREN :932 500 531
Email :
Director of publication :Thomas BERNARD


Tommy’s Normandy Tours can be contacted :

  • By internet :



2 rue Kellermann
BP 80157
59100 Roubaix

Protection of personal data

To consult our personal data protection charter cliquez ici.
To consult the Cookies policy of Tommy’s Normandy Tours cliquez ici.

Intellectual property

Images, videos and illustration maps are the intellectual property of Thomas BERNARD.

The name as well as the logo cited on this website are the exclusive property of the micro-enterprise Tommy’s Normandy Tours. Any use of the name, logo, photos and videos is prohibited.

The site benefits from protections under intellectual property, including copyright, designs, trademarks, domain names, patents, know-how, software or databases. The micro-enterprise Tommy’s Normandy Tours remains the owner of all this content and the rights associated with it. However, the company grants you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license, without the possibility of sublicensing, for the sole purposes of access, navigation and use in relation to this site. This license does not confer any other right, including  commercially exploiting this content.

nt ces contenus.